Wednesday 16 September 2009

Dudes and Bettys

Had a chance to visit Trafford Center last week, refused to go to Viviene Westwood, as I will spend a fortune, knowing myself! Oh my word when a friend told me that there is a Hollister store in there. I was doing very good this month trying not to buy any clothes and saving money. I was confident that I will not to buy anything for myself as Sporty-Surfing-Californian-American Fashion (and Hollister is all about) is one thing I'm not interested with. I just want to check the Dudes and the Betty's in the shop. Needless to say I forgot that I promised Peter that I will be home around five-ish. The Dudes looks fit! I don't even think that they are English, I don't feel like I'm in Manchester, England at all in that split second I was there, and also, It feels suddenly sporty surfing clothes is my cup of tea. To make the story short, bought 3 t-shirts and a tunic all for me. I must admit that I had a taste for Abercrombie for a minute there. Yes indeed for a brief moment that I was under the spell.
Did not forget about my fella, got him a shirts. Actually, my first reason I went there.
When I got home, regrets follows. One went shopping, spent money. Two, I still cant justify I bought 3 t-shirts that I will wear once or twice (although I love the tunic I have got). I realised that Sporty-American Fashion is not really my cup of tea. No offence to So-Cal-American Fashion Lovers. Third, I missed Peter.

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